
Making sense of the mess in my head

Obsidian on Multiple Devices

As I’m getting more serious about using Obsidian as my primary note taking application, having the content available on multiple devices becomes critical.

Living in the Apple eco-system, I had two options: Obsidian sync or iCloud.
I went for the second option. And for those concerned with privacy, Apple now supports end-to-end encryption using your own keys for your iCloud storage with the Advanced Data Protection option.

Setting up Obsidian Sync with iCloud Drive is a good article on the process of setting up sync. And it covers the use-case I was faced with of having created a vault on the Mac before wanting to sync on a mobile device.

There’s however one gotcha I encountered that was not covered: when copying files from your existing vault to the iCloud one using the Finder, hidden files (starting with a dot) are not copied.
And Obsidian stores its settings in such a file (by default .obsidian). So if you don’t copy this file (as I initially did), your new iCloud enabled vault will have the default obsidian settings and you’ll loose any adjustments you might have made for your original vault.